Freemans Bay School is led by a team of approximately 60 staff, including: teachers, support staff and learning assistants. They are well supported in their work in a fantastically resourced modern environment. Our teams enjoy state of the art facilities and attractive surroundings in a central Auckland location.
Our benefits include many opportunities of professional and personal growth as well as commitment to staff well being. Striving to enact our vision of engage, enrich, empower is paramount to the ethos of our school.
We have a living commitment to our dual pathway in education and have both a Māori and English curriculum.
As a Microsoft Showcase School, staff have access to an array of digital tools including a wireless network, technological support and guidance from our e-Learning team.
If you would like to see what our school looks like in action please view these videos which highlight our school vision in action:
Current Teaching Vacancies
Rumaki Reo – Whānau Ata
Kaiako – Fixed Term
He tūnga e wātea ana ki tō mātou kura i te tau 2021. Tērā pea mōu te tūnga nei. Mehemea he reo Māori koe, he pūkenga ōu ki te whakaako i te Poutama Tau, i Te Reo Matatini, me ērā atu peka o te TMoA kaua e tatari. Me tono mai koe. Mehemea he ngawari, he auaha, he manawanui, he pukumahi anō hoki koe, e hiahia ana tō mātou whānau I a koe. Māu tēnei tūnga. He mahitahi te taiao o ngā whare akoako no reira nau mai haere mai.
Suitable for experienced and beginning teachers.
Please email Cindy Walsh / Tumuaki principal@freemansbay.school.nz for an application pack.
Applications close: Wednesday 25th August 4pm
English Pathway
Day to Day Relief Teaching Positions
If you are interested in day-to-day relief teaching positions please s register with Staff Sync. If you would like discuss further please contact Helen at dp.engagement@whanauata.freemansbay.school.nz.