Cool Schools – Peer Mediation programme at FBS

The Peer mediators are the “peace-keepers” for our students.

The Cool Schools programme was written in 1991 by the Peace Foundation. It was so successful that it was introduced to schools across New Zealand.

The Peer Mediation Programme teaches students how to manage conflict, and builds positive relationships with others. Being a Peer Mediator means to; solve problems in a constructive and co-operative way.

They help to make our school environment, a happier, safer, more peaceful place to be.

The Cool Schools Programme:

  • Helps individuals develop life-long conflict management skills
  • Focuses on building positive relationships with others
  • Creates win/win situations for students, teachers, parents, caregivers and the wider community
  • Provides life skills for school, home and the workplace
  • Empowers students to help other students
  • Is proactive, helping to prevent bullying and other levels of conflict
  • Provides a better learning environment
  • Fosters the development of self-esteem and leadership skills
  • Enhances both inter-personal and intra-personal communication skills

The Cool Schools Programme develops key skills such as:

  • Active listening
  • Using “I” statements and affirmations
  • Recognising different types of responses to conflict
  • Effective questioning
  • The role of the mediator
  • The mediation process (including a process for junior students)

For more information please contact:  Larissa Goebel – Cool Schools Coordinator: