Ngā mihi o Hineraumati ki a koutou katoa!

Nau mai ki Whānau Ata, tō mātou rumaki reo roa rawa atu o te pokapū ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

E tūwhera ana ngā tatau ki te hunga nō tawhiti, nō tata hoki e hiahia ana te ako i te reo me ōna tikanga.  

Tēnā, whakauru mai!

Everyone is welcome to express interest as our doors are open to fluent and non-reo Māori speakers. 

We are very excited to note that enrolments are not limited by zoning areas.

Whakaurutanga  Pre-interest enrolment form

Noho Marae

Kapa Haka

Pō Toku Tohu



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